Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Food - Fotos

Sauteed prawns.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Beauty Shots - Seattle

Seattleites standing with Planned Parenthood.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Beauty Shots - The Sky

Tieton, WA.

Spain - Out to Dry

For the summer I lived in Vilassar de Mar, Spain, I hung my laundry out to dry. Yep, I did (as it's done in most places other than the United States). But for me, it's always an adjustment and really not so bad. I'm pretty sure Mother Earth appreciates it, too.

Vilassar de Mar, Spain.
I loved our Catalan apartment, mostly our close proximity to the Mediterranean, but also because of the back balcony that opened out to a huge, empty lot... a laundry courtyard if you will.

One slow afternoon, accompanied by an estrella and rollie, I watched unknown hands stretch out from an across-the-way window and proceed to hang laundry high above the ground. I never saw the person's face - just their hands - as they busily adjusted and moved things around and ultimately left them there to dry, not in the least bit worried if they fell. I thought it was a beautiful imagery, after all, they are just things.

Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera on me, so I tried to stake out the mystery hands several times afterwards, hoping I'd capture the moment again. But alas, I came up empty-handed.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Texture - Fotos

Solid & Aged.


Poppy & Bubbly.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Greece - Fotos



Greece is crazy beautiful. And a summer spent there will always be cherished. Even the time spent with Stamatos -- my Grecian boss -- who by the way, was never wrong (right). Machismo is alive and well in Greece!

As is its beauty...