me: hi mom Mama: hi darling little fairy!me: why am i a fairy?Mama: I don't know, it just came to my mindme: oh wonderful!Mama: U alwaqys say I dont say good/nice things to ume: thats true! you dont!Mama: I think u are a fairy because u desappear and suddenly come back here to hahaha, thanks! ill be back so soon too!Mama: Im going to send you my new dish,Indian style its so goodIll send you an email with it.I mean with the recepeBye the wasy, do you like Indian cuisine?me: dependsMama: on what?me: i like spice, sometimes its too blandMama: Yes it has spices, cumin and CardamonDid you buy yr tickects to SEAme: not yet, not till monday after i talk to my teacherMama:Hurry they are going to keep going up the soooner the betterme: shhhMama: What a mean nasty teacher you haveLasyme: WHAT?! what are you talking about !?!!Mama: What isnt she/he there all the time?
me: no..Mama: for questions or emailsme: i have class on mondaysyes i could email, but id rather just askmore efficient in personMama: Prices changes all the time,me: i am fully awareMama: What else, Is it cold over thereme: its 60Mama: We started a little bit of rain yesterday and today its more like or fully FALLme: greatMama: Here its in the 50's and lower50 is the Maxme: i want to be cozy in anacortesMama: Why, how come?me: a lil R & RMama: I dont know what that isWhere did u go?me: Rest and Recuperationwhen?Mama: Now a minute ago since u are not answeringme: OMGMama: Yes, OMGme: for like 20 seconds!Mama: Silly!!me: geezzeMama: What that?me: you're an attention hogMama: My god!! I dont understand a bit of your new NY slangme: thats not NY slangthats an American saying by the wayyou you you, demand attention constantlyan "attention hog"Mama: Hog is chancho, geeze is it like the geeze and the gander?me: OH. WOW.geeze just means: GOSHMama: OHHH!Hog is whatme: like un chancholook up the definition of a hogMama: Hog means to me: chancho/a, which is chancha para comer, or being disgusting for something that u do in excessme: OR it means to demand a lotlike how a hog demands a lot of foodIT'S a sayingMama: i.e when step on pupp on the street because u are distrcted talking to muchme: nopeMama: that's also chanchame: not like that at allMama: okme: okMama: Well little fairy I have to go to the OK greatMama: bye x-( my usual faceme: BYE
x-( silliness!